Wednesday, December 31, 2008

If God Loves Us it Shouldn't Matter Who is Against US

Recently my husband and I have gone through some trials and tribulations like none we've ever experienced before. Some due to our own mistakes and some due to things brought about by others we have been close to who choose not to forgive although we have been called brother and sister by them for over 35 years.
The thing is, is that no one on this earth can discern the heart that has been turned over to God. They may try and even think they know the extent of the workings of another individual but in reality they do not know. None of us can tell what the relationship is between one human being and God except that of ourselves. We extend the right hand of fellowship to those who say they have been born again and accept them into our life as brother and sister and as long as things suit us with them, we treat them as such, and that is as a brother and sister. At least we do in church on Sunday. We may rarely think of them through the week however. How many of us really pray for our brothers and sisters and their families unless we are specificially asked to do so? In our churches we don't have prayer chains or prayer lines that have people on call at all times to call each other asking for prayer for someone in the church. The only way we hear for the need of prayer is if someone asks for prayer in church or if someone hears it by chance from just anyone on the street. For so many long years we could not even feel free to ask for prayer in church because we did not practice the invitation of prayer requests. It is slowly changing because so many people think it is so
restrictive on the congregation to feel as if they can't request prayer. After all aren't we God's children who believe in the power of prayer? For so many years it was an understood prayer that we ask God to remember all those who are in need from the heads of the river to the ends of the same. It was an easy way of getting out of praying for specific individuals although I don't think it was meant to be taken that way but rather a tradition that had been handed down. But getting back to offering the right hand of fellowship to men and women they should also have a scarlet letter given to them to tell them that the first time they do wrong no matter how small or how great, they MUST hang that scarlet letter around their neck and wear it till they die, to distinguish them from any other brother or sister and they should be told that they can't be forgiven anymore. They should also be told that they are contagious and are not to associate themselves with anyone who REALLY is a Christian. Wearing that letter will keep anyone from mistaking them for one. Sounds like the days of stoning people to death doesn't it. Sounds like Saul when he held the coats of those doing the stoning. Reminds me of all the brothers who grab brothers coats to hang them up for them as long as they know they are a brother, but Jesus says what you have done unto one of these little ones you have done unto Him. I don't think we really realize what is meant by that scripture, and how important it is to treat everyone the same.
Since this incident with us we have seen brothers completely turn their backs on us as if my husband had the plague and I will never forget what he told one brother, when he said, "You can't catch what I have, you already have it. It's in your flesh already." Another thing he told one brother is that you can shower right now and thirty minutes you can shower again and you will still get dirt off, because we are made from the ground and no matter how much washing you do, you will always have dirt to rub off." This inward man is not that way though. God will clean us up and although we may do things to grieve Him he will never forsake us nor leave us. As one old brother said to me once as a young Christian and I have quoted it many times, he said "Never do anything to grieve the spirit" and although I have tried to live by that the best that I can, I know I have grieved that precious Holy Spirit inside of me and it hurts to know that I have, but being part human we will be guilty at times and no one has to tell us for we will feel it in our souls. What do we do about it is the next question? If we hurt someone are we willing to go to that person and ask forgiveness as well as ask God. I know that I can, but I don't know about others, but how will I be received if I do is the next question.
Will the person hurt be willing to forgive me? What my husband and I have seen is little forgiveness from some and mountains of forgiveness from others. Evidently the person's nature has a lot to do with the forgiving, therefore he must be grieving his own spirit quite a bit also.
I have been writing for several years now and have met several people via of the internet and those whom I have met and profess Christ in their life has kept emailing me and corresponding with me because evidently our spirits connect. Some I know what church they belong to but others I do not. I don't ask. They don't ask me although most know I am Baptist by my writings. I did not start writing to get famous or rich but to try to reach people through God's love He shares with me. Never do I want to do something that is not pleasing to Him. My husband even worried that our church would not look favorably upon me writing books and really thought there would be someone who would say something to me about it. I was determined that if I wrote the truth about what God has done for me in my life and how where He leads me I will follow that good would come of it and it has. No one can take that away from me. There have been brothers who would not take one of my books and the reason why I do not know but I have my ideas why and one of them is that they are afraid of what another brother might say about it. Dictatorship keeps a lot of people in line and it is not God as the dictator either. It is pitiful when you get right down to it that others can lead people along like they do. So pitiful for anyone to be in that condition is all I can say. Referring to those who email us from all over the US, we have been so blessed. Yesterday a woman emailed me who always puts a saying or scripture at the end of her email and her name is Mary, also. She wrote "Never look down on anyone unless you are trying to help them up." Another one of her favorites is " Never judge anyone, except by the content of their character." This morning this email came and it said "If God brings you to the edge of a cliff, jump for He will either catch you before you fall or He will teach you how to fly." Another lady who I love very much and is so full of wisdom says "What the mind harbors, the body will manifest." Now that can be taken many ways. For if we think bad about ourselves, our bodies will show signs of distress. If we think inappropriate thoughts our bodies are apt to act out, if we think depressing thoughts we are apt to give up and go to bed, if we think upbeat, we will act upbeat. If we think spiritually we will act spiritual, but none of these mind harboring thoughts stay the same. We are constantly changing and reacting, and some of the things we do are not things we are proud of, but because we are ever changing, that too will pass and things will get better for us. That is how I feel right now. For so long our people have been held in bondage in many ways.
Fear for this and fear of that for what men might think of us rather than what God thinks of us. The Bible says that men lay burdens upon us that they could remove with their finger but they choose not to. To me that is so awful that a brother would not relieve another brother of any burden he could. Surely that is not of God to be that way. Jesus is so loving and forgiving and that is the way He wants us to be, but we all fall so short. It also says that some try to take away our liberty because of their own conscience. I think we all have been guilty of pushing our belief in something onto others when we have no right to do so.
The other night my husband and I were alone and Jesus came by our house. His spirit came down and blessed us beyond measure. I began rejoicing and my husband began singing My Savior's Precious Blood.
Where two or three are gathered in His name He will be in the midst. Just two of us were here, so we both must be His if He was with us and we were all in one accord. I then went to the bathroom to dry the tears
and realized as I looked in the mirror that I had pants on and my hair was gray, stringy and not as long as some sisters, but He had poured His blessings out all over me, and He knows I love Him, and He knows my husband loves Him and it does not matter any more to me what others want to do to us, for if He is with us that is all that matters. Those who are so perfect and feel they have a right to interfere with God's plan then they will answer for it. For as Jesus said when He was giving up His life for us all, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do" and that still rings clear today.
As Christians we are to strive to do the best we can and live as close to Christ-like as we can, but we will never get exactly where we want as long as we are still in this human body. One day though God will change us and will perfect us and will make us all the same. There will be no more groups better than other groups, there will be no more judgments upon us from men that were as human as we were once, and there will be no more big I's and little you's.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Do we sin or just make mistakes? Do we do them till we die?

Do Christians sin or is what they do wrong simply mistakes?

One morning I was laying in bed thinking as I often do because a few hours sleep is all I usually get at one time, when thoughts came to me that I feel God was the author of and I began to meditate upon them. I hope I can reconstruct them in my mind to write down now as it has been a few weeks since they came to me. I usually try to write them down immediately but sometimes I have neglected them and God has not seen fit to bring them back to my remembrance, ( he that knows to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin, in paraphrasing that is what the Bible says) and it is my fault when that happens. Sometimes it can be rectified if God chooses for me to remember again and sometimes it can't. It is my desire to put what I can remember down for future reference if God will allow me to do so.

It was brought to my attention in my thoughts in the wee hours of that morning how when two little children are playing together that one toy is hard to share. For instance two little boys and only one has a toy truck. We've all seen this happen. He rolls it over the floor with a "zoom, zoom" and with the seemingly innate knowledge on his part that the other little boy will be intrigued by his play. He does it as if he wants to entice the playmate with the fun he is having and that the playmate is not getting to enjoy himself. The other little boy can only stand it for so long before he reaches out to take the truck for himself often with a request first like "May I" or "Can I play with it" but with the determination that he must have it. The other little boy pulls it back with a resounding "It's mine." Then a tug of war begins with screams and cries, pulls and tugs, until an adult comes in and encourages the owner of the truck to let his playmate play with the truck for a little while because sharing is the right thing to do. For a brief time the second little boy has the pleasure of the little truck, but it can't last very long because the owner wants it back and will get it back one way or another. Once again the playmate will not be happy.

Neither of these little boys or girls and with whatever their toy may be, can help feeling the way they do. Why is that? Is it something in their flesh that makes them do that? Those little boys or girls are surely little angels in God's eyes, right? If something happened to one of them at that innocent age they surely would be secure in God's arms and would have a home in Heaven, right? Inside their little bodies are pure little souls? Right? What makes them behave the way they do? Was it possible that it was covetness they experienced at such a young age? Was it sin manifesting itself so early? Only God really knows. We can't think it is possible can we? Because we have been taught that a little child is as good as God wants it to be.

Competition is something that dad's enjoy seeing in their sons and sometimes in their daughters and often mothers are worse than dads. They encourage the competition, and some dads and moms teach them that winning is everything. At all costs they must win. Winning is the name fo the game no matter what. This works well with them in sports when they give it their all and their team wins. What is that drive that causes competition, is it something they were born with? Is it healthy? Is it sin? Will that competitive nature be with them all their life? Even if they become Christians will it still be there? Is it a good thing to carry over in the Christian life? What might it lead to as they grow up into adults? Well let's look at it in this respect. A young man has been taught by good parents to respect a young lady and behave himself like a gentleman. He tries but as he reaches adulthood his hormones are working overtime and he succumbs to his feelings of competitiveness and his goal is to win the young woman over. He wins her over and conquers one young woman, after another. Was it his competitiveness that he was taught earlier in life to never give up that fed his ego to always win even with his girlfriend. Was it a good thing to have that much competitiveness instilled in him? Did it lead to the sins? Maybe yes. Are the parents responsible for any of it even if they were Christians? The conquering of the young women is sin, and at some point in his life he will realize it is sin. For the logical thinker in this let us say in this scenario he repents and his sins are forgiven, but have the hormones quit working or is it a constant struggle to suppress his feelings? Will he have those feelings in his flesh for the rest of his life, although the inner being loves God? Will he have thougths he should not have? Will he have to pray about them? If he does has he prayed his sins away again?

Another example that came to me is that we encourage our children to get a good education. Why do we? To be as intelligent as they can be of course is the right answer! That is a good reason, but not the most influential one. We teach them that the more education they have the more apt they are to make more money in the work force. Now that desire becomes instilled in them to work as hard as they can to earn the higest degree they can so they will get the higest paying job. Competition again? Will they do anything it takes to acheive that goal? Some may not but others will, even if it means to knock anyone out of their way in any way they can to acheive that climb up the ladder and they may call themselves Christians by this time. Is that competitive money making goal in their flesh from God or nature? Why didn't it go away once they became a Christian? Is it in their flesh and going to be there until they die? Do they love money more than God? Is it questionable? Is it debateable? Is it sin? Do they first give the ten percent to the church that the Bible speaks of? Even if they say they do, do they really? Have they lied? Is it sin? Do they share the rest of their wealth with those less fortunate? Do they look for people to help that are in need? Do they freely give to charities or does the denomination they belong to give them the excuse that they don't need to help anyone? Do they hoard their money up and only give if and when they have to or is it freely given when they do give? Do they make excuses not to give? Like they don't carry cash on them or forget their wallets, any excuse to keep from parting with money? Is it sin that keeps them from giving? Do they pray about being such misers? To know to do good and do it not is it sin? The Bible says it is. Is prayer needed when you know to do good and do it not? Prayer is needed whenever mistakes or sin is made? Right? Paul said he repented daily. Why did he repent?

Successful people in today's world have done a lot of investing. Even middle class people may have a couple hundred thousand dollars invested. The way the market has been lately many have lost a great deal or even most of what they have. Anger envelopes them at the loss of the money, but somehow they manage to rationalize it out in their mind and overcome the loss. If that loss was because they had to give it away for some it would eat and eat at them. If they had been given the option to help the less fortunate by taking out a portion of the money while it was still making money, how many would have done so? I dare say none would have. If asked for a sizeable loan by a friend or relative how many would have been quick to invest it in the friend or relative with the request? Not many I dare say. Where do those same people stand now on that idea after they have lost so much money? Would it change them in any way if they were called to judgment about it? Has their greed caused them to sin, but no one knows it except God? God knows all things? Have they prayed about it? Only God knows.

A person earns ( justifiably or crookedly) his way to being a boss of some sort. He likes it. He likes having power. Is power good? If it is electricity it is. If it is God's saving power it is good, but if it is in the flesh of man to want power, is it sin? What if he is a Christian? If he likes giving orders because he thinks it makes him feel important, then is it sin? Is he a true blue Chrstian? Can a person be a boss continually and always have the other person's best interest at heart? Is it questionable? Is it debateable? Number one would have to be his top priority ( self is loved most by all, although we are supposed to love God first and our neighbor as ourself ) and he will not stand for insubordination from someone who questions his authority. But what if it isn't insubordination and he cannot see that because he has that thorn in himself that needs prayed about and he cannot stand for someone to point it out to him. Is it in his flesh or his spirit that he cannot release his authority even for an instant. Could sin still be ruling his flesh? If he isn't revered as boss does it hurt his mind or his soul? Is being the boss the most vital aspect of his living. Is it sin in his flesh? Is his anger sin? Will it really be there forever even if he is a Christian? Why would he want power in the first place if he is a Christian? Is it something in his flesh? Can it be of God and flesh? Would that make him double-minded? Can he still possess a hateful, jealous, over-bearing nature and still be a Christian? Does he appear as a lamb but is a roaring lion underneath? Only God knows. Does he constantly pray to overcome this flaw because he knows its there and he really wants to oversee his employees with love and compassion or does he feel that would show weakness? Can he be sinless?

Young women come in all sizes and shapes, some beautiful and some not so beautiful. Some with personalities like angels, some totally opposite. Many are results of their upbringing. They are treated as debutantes and go all their live believing that they are. Some live as Divas the rest of their life. When jealousy of whatever means roars it's ugly head it eats them alive and leaves them with bitterness for the rest of their life, causing scars that seem to never heal, to all thsoe who get in their path and they have a warped sense of dealing with others. Will this be sinful? Will it carry on in their Christian life? Perhaps this young woman belittles another young woman over her clothing, her hairstyle, her physical shape, or her social status, because she was taught by her parents( albeit not purposely ) that she was better than anyone. It was instilled in her by always being allowed to have everything she wanted, by spoiling her with things. This young woman's nature may damage the young woman being belittled for the rest of her life to the point she will never feel good about herself or even feel worthy to be loved by anyone until she becomes a Christian and forgives the young woman secretly, still carrying the hurt inside, because forgiving is one thing but forgetting is another. She is a good Christian but that forgetting si hard to do. Will she have to pray about that and will herself to forget? Will it be sin if she can't? The well-to-do young woman goes on about her life living it to the fullest with never a thought as to what she has done to the other young woman for as it happened she really didn't care for her own welfare was her priority. She even accepts Christ in her life. If what she did was never pointed out to her would she ever know she did wrong with the other young woman? Would she know that her words nearly killed her? Would she know that she had damaged her for life? Would she know that in doing that to her she did it unto Jesus? At some point would her conscience intervene even if she had never realized at the time that she did wrong toward the young woman? At some point in her life she will have to face it. If she humbles herself before God in repentance then everything she did in the past is in her storehouse of sins, and once forgiven all is forgiven for His grace abides forever. He covers past present and future sins. She although has become more of a social Christian because she cannot get the social status out of her being but has her heart been changed? Is that possible? Is sin still working in her flesh? Will it keep her from fully enjoying her salvation? Do we do that to ourselves by not recognizing our flaws that we are made up of? Only God truly knows. Are we still a product of our environment and upbringing more than our rebirth in Christ? Are we in the spirit more daily or still in the flesh? Does it cause us to sin? Is there anymore grace for our sins?

The above was about all I can remember that night yet as I wrote more things came to mind. Many have been taught that once we accept Jesus into our lives that we will never sin anymore. It is the definition of sin I think that is in question? If something is morally, ethically, or consciously wrong, is it sin? Of course it is but some will say no, while others will say yes. Let's explore this.

We have differences of opinions in all individuals and in groups of people. What kind of opinions? Moral, ethical and conscious opinions as stated above. For example, is abortion wrong? Some say yes, some say no? A life is a life. What does the Bible say on murder? Is it sin? Can it be forgiven? If people who have had abortions or aided in abortions and have been forgiven because they were condemned over it, then it must be a sin? Right? Can you vote for someone who endorses it? Have you sinned if you do? Can you vote for someone who puts our country at war? Have you sinned if you do? If it is in the best interest of our country and you vote against it is it wrong? Is homosexuality sin? What does the Bible say on it? Can you accept the teachings from the Bible on it and still love a person you know who lives this way? Could you witness to that person? Would it be wrong of you if you did. Would it be sin if you didn't? Should a preacher tell the congregation to be careful in what they vote for or endorse as Christians? Are they cowardly if they don't? Are they afraid of God or men if they don't? Would you be accepting these ways of life by not saying anything? Have you sinned by not doing so? We all make judgments like this every day, but are they righteous judgments? Some are quick to make their judgments on many other things. Do they choke at a gnat and swallow a camel? Do they continuously try to get the speck out of their brother's eye while carrying a two by four in their own? Do they kill a brother with their words? Do they mock God's judgment seat by taking it on themselves? Do they take Bible steps in restoring a brother who has made a mistake? Do they read and study the Bible enough to really know that it is written mostly to the Christian people and that it is the Christians who have to cleanse their hands, purify their hearts, be afflicted mourn and weep? Would that still make them sinners only saved by the Grace that Jesus has provided? Have they sinned again if they do not acknowledge this? Does the Bible and it's teachings mean the most important thing to them or do the traditions mean more? Can they really discern or want to know the difference?

A little less controversial but still questionable is the lottery. Does anyone that is a Christian play the lottery? Is it a sin? Is it gambling? Have you ever bought a raffle ticket? Have you ever took chances from school children? Have you sinned if you have? Have you ever bought a scratch off for youself or someone else? Did anyone know? what would be your excuse if someone saw you?You might say it was just a scratch off? Is that gambling? Is it a sin once committed that needs redemption? Or was it just a mistake? Or no mistake and no sin? Who knows? God knows. Would you pray it away?

In the work force crossing picket lines is a "no, no" to some. Is it sin? Of course not you may say. But what about it when brothers in the church are pointed out to other brothers in not such nice terms as they daily cross them and are asked "Don't you go to church with him?" Are they sinning against that brother and how does it look to others? Does he take the raise or whatever is won by the men on the picket line? The very men who stood the test, those who stood in the cold and in the heat to attain something better for them all. Is he due the fruits of their labor? God knows. Is it right? Should he give his part back? Does he have a guilty conscience? Does he love money more than his brothers and fellow workers? Did he sin? Did he pray about it? Is it a matter of opinion and needs no forgiveness? He who knows to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin. God only knows.

What about other games? Games in the home? Who simply plays Rook for example, are you a Christian? Is it wrong? Is it sin? What about those who participate or aid someone else in illegal games? If it is illegal is it sin? What about if it is legal? If they are a Christian, is it sin whether it is legal or illegal? What about if you earn money on the side and never report it to the government? Is that alright? Is it sin? What if you ebay is that wrong? Is it a sin? What about if you cook with wine? Is it a sin? What about if you make your own home-brew for medicinal purposes? Is it a sin? Is it illegal? What if you try to make wine for church communion services but one takes a nip on occasion? Is it wrong? Is it sinful? What if it tastes like moonshine instead of wine? Is it sin, should it be used? Is the only time the Bible mentions fruit of the vine is in reference to the Lord's supper? is that important? Is it wine then? What if some won't go to communion because of the home brew? Was it done properly? If not is it sin?

This is a special pet peeve to me. What about those who love to wile away their down time in the summer on the beaches? Mixed groups of people there, all types of sinners from every way of life, the least of which are scantily dressed and claim to be Christians? Is it sinful to dress that way? Can they be distinguished between believers and non-believers? Do men take second glances or get a little glimmer in their eyes or a little sheepish grin? Do they have church while on the beaches? Do they spend all their time trying to stay in the spirit? If they didn't did they sin? Why would they go in the first place if not for carnal pleasure, the pleasure that feeds the flesh? God knows. Do they pray about it? Did they have an advocate to help them out with the immoral thoughts? Or did they need no advocate? What about things kept hidden in closets and I don't mean old jeans? Things like mom is a Christian but she tattles a lot. She runs with stories to the phone to tell as many as possible her new found secret. She loves to hear bad news. Is she sinning? Does she pray for forgiveness for it? What about the men who huddle in little masses and talk about as many as they can who are supposed to be their brothers? Do they feel guilty afterwards? If they do was it wrong? Was it sinful? Do they love their brother as theirself when they are ready to kill him? How can they Love God whom they have not seen and hate their brother who they see regularly? What about Dad's service to the Lord is it shared by his family? Do they serve together? Is he over his household if they don't? Is his home in order if they don't? Is he qualified to hold office? Have brothers been taken into the church out of order? Have investigations took place to deny one fellowship while accepting another? Is this right? Do they go to a brother alone and then take others so that the truth may be established in what they do? Or do they condemn before they ever go to prayer about it? What about the sincere trust of one sister to another who pours her heart out and then she lets her down by spreading things that was meant for her ears only? Has she sinned? Does she need to ask the sister for forgiveness? Would she if God directed her to?

There is so much that makes up how each and every one of us are that we could never describe the many ways we sin or make mistakes every day, but to deny that we do we make our ownselves liars. The Bible says so. Facing up to the fact that as long as life and breath is in this body we will err and we will do things that aren't pleasing to our creator, but as we learn from our mistakes or sins we become stronger in our faith and when we confess our sins to Him, he is willing to forgive us. Yes we do pray our sins away through repentance every time we do wrong, or else we would not have Jesus as our advocate making intercession for us every day. We need to strive to be perfect in every way but the fact is we work toward that every day by learning from our mistakes and whether they are big or small or whether we call them sins or mistakes to say we don't do them is simply false statements on our part.

Forgiving each other's faults and trespasses is required of us daily and many times daily or else He would not have said so in His word. Thank-God we answer to Him in the end for some men would send anyone who might tresspass against him to Hell and never think a thing about it. We are living in perilous times in so many ways, why would we want to take out of the valuable time we have left here on earth to destroy rather than restore those who stumble or err. How can we determine how far a man will go and still proclaim Christ as his Lord and Master? David went a lot farther than slaying the giant didn't he and yest he was still a man after God's own heart. Peter denied Chrsit 3 times and yet became one of his best disciples. It is imperative to not read the word but to study the word so that we might be the best servant, not overseer, but servant to God. When we destroy lives and use our sinful nature as our means to do it because we are imperfect ourselves we have committed murder, and can be worse than the original offense one wants someone punished over. Also churches should have the right to handle their problems without interference from other churches. One church and one man should not be allowed to Lord over other churches. We have only one Lord and Master and it is not this earthly man. It is our choice as to how we want to live the rest of our life and that would be as a judge in a bully pullpit for God or as an humble servant of God. Does He really need help in reaping at time of Harvest? What if you might be one of the tares yourself?

Sunday, December 28, 2008

What has taken me so long?

What has taken me so long to get back to this blog? I can't believe it has been over a year since my last post here. Since then I have been a little busy writing though. I have two new books this year. One came out in the spring and this December my second one was released by Publish America. That makes me five books with them. I am very happy.

The titles are as follows in the order they have been published:

In This Valley I Grew, Life on Blacklog and Happy Hollow
Poems, Prayers, and Promises of An Appalachian Woman
Leavin' Sandlick and Speakin' Appalachian
The Truth is in the Light, A laywoman's faith based answers to some of today's questions
Pen St. (is a book of poems, essays, narratives and short stories)

The books above may be purchased at most online major bookstores but if purchased from me you will receive a discount plus a discount on shipping. Email me kksmom55 at