Friday, January 02, 2009

Have Mercy, Oh Lord on all the Fruit Inspectors!

Are you a fruit inspector? A spiritual fruit inspector that is?

Many things go on in churches that other churches know nothing about and as long as things go well with a few who like to rule over others then all is well, but when a jealously arises that causes some envy and strife some begin looking for ways to get rid of others. It doesn't matter that God says to let the wheat and tares grow together for in pulling up the tares they will pull up some of the wheat, also.

Surely we are living in the last days due to the coldness of so many who profess Christ in their life. The unwillingness to forgive, the holier than thou attitudes. The falling away of love for brothers and sisters to the point of allowing their actions to almost kill the other person. The egos that are growing larger by each passing day by those who think they do no wrong and can turn from their own flesh and blood while others would protect their flesh and blood knowing they have done wrong. There is no wonder why we can never expect a deep surge of membership in some of our churches, because who would want to come to a church that is always in turmoil in one way or another. It is so sad that so many churches thrive on tearing down than restoring or building up. Love is the key and the answer to all misunderstanding. Love is the key to healing and the author of Love is God. He who provokes the one to anger and sin is no better than the one who has sinned first. He who is holier than thou is less holy than any. He who says he is without sin is a liar. He who is in authority and does not read and study the Bible is blind and he will lead the blind to a place they cannot see afar off. He who acknowledges his mistakes and admits them will not be condemned by God. He that learns from his mistakes and preaches ways to avoid the same will be leading those who have had their eyes opened and will help keep them from stumbling.Those who have never learned from their mistakes have nothing to tell.Their tree has not grown from it's conception to have it's fruit be tested. Our churches have a lot of fruit inspectors who look at the outside but have never bitten into the core to see if it is rotten from within, but have discarded it because of a bruise to the outside of it's flesh. The core of the fruit is where the real test lies. Are you a tester of outsides only or can you look at a piece of fruit and know that it is good or bad to the core? If you can then you might be capable of looking into hearts.

We had better be careful as to what and how we accuse others of wrongdoing. Lord have mercy on us all for the pain we inflict on your children both knowingly and unknowingly. Lead us not into temptation Lord, but deliver us from evil and from those who let evil lead them in whatever way it may be. We know you are not the author of confusion and you gave us the beatitudes to show us in the many ways you will deliver us. Personally you say You are our shelter in the time of storm and our rock in a weary land. You will never leave us nor forsake us when there are those who want to kill us. You have been with us all these many years and though man can break our bones with sticks and stones, his words can kill us and hurt our spirits but they can not take away the salvation you gave to us so many years ago. Thank-you dear lord for your love and mercy on us and please have mercy on all those who need relief from the burdens they carry no matter what ever they may be.

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